October 14, 2021 Message From Pastors Karen and Nick: "Tempting?"

Home-Blog-October 14, 2021 Message From Pastors Karen and Nick: “Tempting?”

October 14, 2021 Message From Pastors Karen and Nick: “Tempting?”

As we are walking through Luke, right after Jesus’ baptism, Jesus goes out to the wilderness and is tempted by Satan.  Pastor Nick preached on that passage back in our series on embracing the wilderness, so we will be starting with Jesus’ ministry to his hometown this Sunday.  But in case you missed (or perish the thought—forgot), here are three take-aways from Jesus’ wilderness experience:

Jesus chose trusting in God’s provision over his own capacity.
Jesus chose God’s timing instead of rushing to prove himself.
Jesus chose God’s path rather than follow Satan down another road.

We are tempted to do it ourselves, at our pace, and to chase after things that promise us what we want when we want it. Jesus modeled a different way of being.

But you know what?  Jesus was only able to do that because he was full of the Spirit from his baptism.

He had heard his “Beloved” status from God, and was filled by the Holy Spirit and then he went to the wilderness and avoided the deceitful charms of Satan.

This week, hear again that you are God-beloved child.
This week, seek to be filled with God’s Spirit.

Then go out and crush Satan under your foot through the power of Jesus in your life.


Your Pastors—Karen and Nick

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