Orchard Covenant Church

Ministry And Service

Orchard Covenant church believes in the whole mission of church.  This means creating fully formed followers of Jesus as well as restoring God’s creation, caring for our local and global community and healing broken relationships.  Our ministries represent that passion.

Want to know more?  Click here to contact us and we would love to help you see where you can grow and serve through Orchard Covenant church

Ministry Highlights

Care & Nurture Team –  This team works to both care for members of our church but also oversees our benevolence fund for caring for our community.  This includes our greeters and welcome team, our event planning team,  hospital and well visit team,  meal preparation team, and connections ministry.

Christian Formation Team-  This team is dedicated to nurturing people through their journey towards Christ.  It includes sunday school, kid & youth programming, adult formation, small groups,  in-person and zoom bible studies.

Evangelism & Outreach Team-  This team pairs our calling to tell others about Jesus with our responsibility to love our world like Jesus.  This team organizes events and distributes funding to accomplish these important missions.

Worship & Music Team-  More than just singing,  this team is involved with bringing together our worship services.  This includes ushers, scripture readers,  singers, instrumentalists, audio & video technology.

Global Outreach Team-  We are an international church that prioritizes worshiping together while valuing culture and diversity.  To accomplish this tough task,  a team meets with the pastor’s regular to talk about how we love and reach out to the immigrant and refugee communities.

Facilities Team-  We are stewards of this historic building that God has given us in Indian Orchard.  This team cleans, and paints and landscapes,  replaces lights, and fixes doors. 

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Join with us each Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
95 Berkshire Street, Indian Orchard, MA 01151 (Map)

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