Visit Us This Sunday | What To Expect
Thanks for checking us out! Orchard Covenant’s mission is to be heart and hands in the Orchard, Springfield and Beyond, and to develop disciples of Jesus. A disciple is just a person that walks/talks/loves like Jesus does.
- We are intergenerational (the seasoned, the young and the in-between)
- We are intercultural just like our Indian Orchard community.
- We are international with many nations represented.
- We are interconnected with each other and our communities
What time do your worship on Sunday?
The service starts fairly promptly @ 11am, and lasts for a little over 1 hour. There will be singing (modern and hymns), and prayer, and a message from the pastor.
Do you have Sunday School for children and adults?
Prior to service, at 9:45am, there is Sunday School for all ages as way to dig deeper into what faith is and means for you.
Where do I park?
There is a parking lot in back of the church (Myrtle St. entrance) and a ramp for those with mobility challenges , but most people park on Berkshire St. and enter through the front.
What can I wear?
You are welcome to wear whatever is most comfortable to you. You will see anything from tee-shirts & jeans to suit coats/dresses on any given Sunday.
What do you believe?
Words of Jesus, Mark 12:29-31:
“Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first and great commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Words of Jesus, John 11:25
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.”
These are just two of the many things Jesus said about life, death, the world, relationships, God, the Holy Spirit, goodness, and evil. We believe our world needs Jesus, with his promise of unconditional sacrificial love, forgiveness, and transformation.
At Orchard Covenant, we want to be about Jesus, and talk about these things together, that we might live them. We invite you to decide to follow Jesus with us, and would be happy to speak with you about how to begin.
We are committed to the authority and relevance of the Bible as we seek to understand God’s heart and apply it to our own.
We believe that many people in this world have lost their way, and been hurt, and that God wants lost people found, and hurting people helped, wherever they are.
We believe that everyone has disappointed God, and missed the relationship that God desires with each of us. But through the grace of Jesus Christ, we can restore that relationship and pursue a lifetime of ever-deepening faith.
Real People
Thanks for checking us out! Orchard
You are welcome wherever you are in the journey, and you will be greeted with enthusiasm.
We are a diverse congregation and you will find welcome no matter your ethnicity/ english proficiency.
You are welcome to wear whatever is most comfortable to you. You will see anything from tee-shirts & jeans to suit coats/dresses on any given Sunday.
We do, full disclosure, sometimes touch on matters of justice as they relate to how our faith is lived out.
The messages seek to be relevant, relatable and applied to real life. They are also biblical and connected to the teachings of Jesus.
We try to avoid being phony. Real people, welcome!
The details:
There is a parking lot in back of the church (Myrtle St. entrance) and a ramp for those with mobility challenges , but most people park on Berkshire St. and enter through the front.
The service starts fairly promptly @ 11am, and lasts for a little over 1 hour. There will be singing (modern and hymns), and prayer, and a message from the pastor.
Prior to service, at 9:45am, there is Sunday School for all ages as way to dig deeper into what faith is and means for you.