
Muhudu Missions Report for February 2021

Mama Esther Jumba

The schools in Kenya are open and all the children are back in school. The school system lost a whole year, there-fore all the children did not move on to the next class. The next school fees to be paid for those in Secondary school will be in September. The children are still collecting packed food to prepare from their homes. The following stu-dents completed high school:

1.Mary Nasiche transferred from Kericho university to Kaimosi University and is pursuing Bachelor in Human Re-source Management (Final Year)
2.Tracy Andisi is pursuing Bachelors of Commerce at ST Paul’s University. Both of these students are graduating this year.(Final year)
3.Josephine Shamala is pursuing Fashion Design at Kaimosi Polytechnic.
4.Mariano Munyasa pursuing Human Resources in Nairobi KCA university
5.Purity Minayo pursuing Catering Course at Muhudu polytechnic.
6.Kevin Shitoko Pursuing electrical Installation at Kaimosi Polytechnic
7.Lina Khaveyi is waiting to join Early childhood education college.
8.Levy Khadukha is P1 Teacher in a private School in Kibera Slums Kenya(laid off due to covid)

To God be the Glory that He has brought these children this far. Blessings to Orchard Covenant Church for the blessings and sponsoring them to get an education.

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